Press Release:
“ Hello ITI enthusiasts!
We’re taking our interstellar dreams one step at a time, and it all starts right here on Earth. We’re excited to announce our first round of crowdfunding, and we’re offering you multiple ways to support us.
Why these payment options?
- Paypal : A straightforward and user-friendly method, ensuring anyone can contribute effortlessly.
- ETH/BTC/ALGO/Polygon (Matic): Embracing the future of finance, allowing tech-savvy backers to join us in a more decentralized way.
What’s the money for?
This initial round of fundraising will cover critical expenses:
A. Legal Protection Fees: Safeguarding our intellectual property with trademark, IP, and patent protection.
B. Rainy Day Fund: We’re being prudent. Having a financial cushion ensures we can weather any unexpected challenges. By supporting ITI today, you’re not just backing an idea; you’re helping lay the foundation for our interstellar journey. Thank you for being part of this exciting adventure!”
Anthony J. Pacheco (Ramb0561)
Interstellar Technologies Initiative, LLC
Founder / Chairman / Managing Member