Press Release -  Who is InterstellarGaming.Co?

Press Release - Who is InterstellarGaming.Co?

Press Release

Over the next several weeks, Interstellar Gaming plans to release a series of posts introducing the people and ideas that power our missions here at Interstellar Technologies Initiative, LLC, beginning with our first initiative: InterstellarGaming.Co

Who is InterstellarGaming.Co?

“Society has become too soft.”

It’s a statement you’ve probably heard hundreds of times, and while it’s one we don’t necessarily disagree with, we know that there are some glaringly apparent reasons for the “softening” of today’s generations.

Whether it’s due to the effects of social media, rising rates of anxiety and depression, or, on a much larger scale, the desensitization of adults and children to the war, injustice, and atrocities that happen daily around the globe, many of us are struggling to navigate truly unprecedented times. was born from our deepened understanding of today’s mental health crisis and founded on the idea that gaming technology and sports can stabilize the situation and convey a newfound hope amongst today’s youth.

In a world where technology is proving to be as dangerous to young minds as it is stimulating, ITI believes we owe it to ourselves to pursue a future in which we all have a chance to be free, healthy, and have rights to property and privacy.

We believe that no government, entity, or enterprise should overpower another human being, both in the great USA and around the globe.

Individuals should have sovereignty over themselves and the right to explore their purpose freely.

Interstellar Technologies Initiative, LLC believes that by embracing modern-day game theory and technologies, we can help reinvest in today’s youth as we offer guidance to help individuals build mind and body-supporting practices while keeping their sovereign independence.

All of this being said, we believe that these technologies have the power to facilitate incredible positive change and should be used as a tool to support:

  • The further development of the human mind
  • Independence for all
  • Civilization as a whole 
  • Free trade, accountability, and transparency
  • Peace during industrialization, agriculture, exploration, research, and conflict. 

By accepting the challenge to better ourselves so that we can offer a helping hand to those around us, is here and ready to help you take steps in the right direction.

We want to thank you for following along, and we hope you enjoy reading our updates as much as we love sharing them with you!

Thank you,

Anthony J. Pacheco (Ramb0561)

Interstellar Technologies Initiative, LLC Founder / Managing Member 

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